I'm just dropping a quick message for the Dkos. Right now I am working for the little publishing operation Politics in Minnesota, which runs off a bi-annual directory of all state legislators and districts, as well as lobbyists, capitol press corps, maps and election (and demographic) stats.
As of today I have done around 50 interviews, or about 1/4 of the 201 state legislators in 67 Senate districts and twice as many representatives.
The Senate has been under DFL control for a while, but the House flipped to the DFL very strongly this November, with major pickups in mid-range suburbs like Burnsville and outstate.
Anyhow I have a few more interviews left to run, and basically I am getting the sense that this is an extremely policy-oriented, very liberal and highly organized operation that is only in its third week of existence. I have a ton of very specific information about how all these new structures are materializing, as of course the House GOP had to fire about 150 staffers who were all replaced by partisan Dems on the state payroll.